Instructions For Maximum Fun & Love
Before your three days are up:
Step 1) (Optional) Shoot a 1-minute video together BEFORE you begin. Say how you’re feeling about going on this journey and what you’d like to get out of it. (Tip: Ensure there is enough lighting to see your beautiful faces.)
Step 2) Light a few candles, mute those pesky phones, lay down with your partner, and press PLAY (button on the right). Enjoy your 30-minute journey in each other’s arms!
Step 3) (Optional) Shoot a quick 1-minute video together sharing how you both feel in the after-glow of your journey. What did you get out of it? What surprised you? What do you love even more about your partner now? Would you recommend this to friends?
Step 4) Upload your videos to YouTube or Dropbox and send us links at happyresults (AT) As a thank-you for allowing us to share both videos, we’ll give you permanent download access to this Gratitude Game journey, so you can go there together, over and over, any time you like. (If you’re totally not into videos you can pop over to our Facebook page and share your sweet magic words there.)
Step 5) (Most Important!) Put time in your calendars for a couple of journey dates every week (around 30 minutes each). You’ll be so glad you did!
Streaming Audio >
Simply press the Play button above to listen to your Journey as many times as you like within your 72-hour window. Enjoy!
When You’re Ready For More….
Get The Complete 10-Journey Collection!

Gratitude Game
Begin your Relationship Magic Journeys with this simple, potent practice. Everyone loves to be appreciated. Everyone loves to be reminded why they’re loved.
This Journey adds a new dimension to gratitude. Within minutes, your body will open so that every word reverberates deep inside.
How? Take the Journey and discover who you really are.
Bring the magic back into your relationship, with a breath and a word.

From Tension to Trust
It’s astonishing how much tension we carry in our bodies every day, often without realizing all the subtle ways this impacts our relationship. A body that’s in stress cannot feel love. Literally. You may know love, imagine love, assume love, be sure of love. But you’re not FEELING love.
The body must soften and relax before it can feel love flowing through every muscle and bone.
In this Journey, we give our bodies what they need to make the shift from tension to trust. You will learn three simple steps to unlock the nervous system, melt stress away, and FEEL love vibrating in every cell.
Then, when the love is flowing freely, you’ll remember again – in heart and soul and body – why you first fell in love.
This Journey is the easiest, most basic step-by-step guide to the connection practices at the heart of Relationship Magic.

Re-Awaken Tenderness
Living together, and dealing with the daily chores, can quickly turn a great love affair into something that feels more like a business arrangement.
What to do? Sometimes it’s exhausting to sort everything out with words.
When you want a vacation from the ho-hum, but you don’t want to negotiate a whole big process – try this Journey. Simple touch. Tingly vulnerability. Feel-good warmth. Sweetness.
Recharge your emotional batteries with minimal effort, and no messy cleanup the next day. Sometimes “easy” really does it.

Two Bodies, One Rhythm
If each member of a band played their instrument in a different rhythm and key, the music would never come together. No matter how much you love each other… if your bodies are not in rhythm, if your heartbeats and brainwaves and breathing aren’t in sync, you’ll struggle to feel connected.
This Journey will show you how easy it is to find the natural rhythms at play in your body, and weave them together to make one dynamic song that will turn you both on.
Once this “bass line” is laid down, there’s no end to the effortless music you can make together.

Pure Sensation
Sometimes emotions are slippery, and hard to talk about. Some days you don’t have the energy reserves for a rollicking good romp in the hay.
But your bodies are vast wonderlands, deserving to be explored in detail. And that’s a whole new way to feel truly connected.
A great lover can play with sensations for their own sake, at leisure, and make every part of your body come alive.
When you’re curious to explore sensations together, take this Journey. Sex and emotion are great ways to connect, no doubt, but pure sensation is a vastly underrated playground too.

Through Each Other’s Eyes
Mostly I’m over here, in my body, having my experience. And you’re over there, in yours, having what’s often – surprisingly – a very different experience.
Good partners learn to “read” each other, and guess what’s happening under the skin. Sometimes this process is helped along by talking about an event after it’s done.
What might change if you could sync your experiences of each other in real time?
This Journey gives both of you the mind-blowing opportunity to “see through each other’s eyes”. And since you’re both in an open space of curiosity and love, it’s likely that your partner sees you more clearly and lovingly than you see yourself.
Upgrade your perceptions to the highest love, and relax into a beautiful shared reality.

Heal and Re-Open Your Hearts (Advanced)
Has your heart ever been broken? Have you ever been traumatized by sexual or romantic experiences? Of course you have! Sometimes we smother and cling; sometimes we play cool or run away – anything to avoid re-experiencing the pain that our bodies can’t seem to forget.
This Journey is designed to heal and re-open your hearts to the love that’s right in front of us. Please save it for a time when you both feel energized and willing to stretch your comfort zone. This is serious work… but for many couples, this is the Journey that shifts their relationship from good-enough to all-in awesome.

Release Old Hurts and Resentments
Sometimes we hold back speaking our full truth because we’re not sure how it will be received. These little withholds can build up and create distance between us. Sometimes when we try to speak our truth, we create a backlash. Things get worse instead of better. We both get lost in arguments.
But! When we relax and connect our bodies first, the words come easier. We can learn to speak from our hearts, about simple things, and not big complicated stories that generate hopelessness.
And most powerfully, we can agree that we will speak these fears not to hurt, but to refresh and deepen our connection. This Journey shows you how.

Sensual Play-time
This is advanced magic for relationship ninjas!
It’s fun to rush into excited touch. However, there’s a surprising power when you hold onto the energy, let sensation build, and wait to move… until the movement takes over you both.
Here’s some advanced magic to explore together. This Journey takes you deeper into the body, where you can play with stillness and movement, subtle energy currents, surprising new wellsprings of sexual delight, and responding more fully and vulnerably to your lover’s touch.

Passionate Play
Are you ready to amp up your lovemaking? Now that the skills you’ve been developing in this Relationship Magic series are becoming second nature, here’s how to turn up the volume and pacing. It’s Sexy Time!
This Journey moves you into deeper dimensions of passion and mutual surrender, opening the whole surface of the body and then taking each other all the way in. Emotional vulnerability is the key, pulsing back and forth between you, generating a feedback loop of ecstasy that grows bigger with each breath.
Just when you think it can’t get any better… It does! Over and over and over again…